While using the computer there are many threats. Such as people hacking into your computer and stealing your pictures, videos, contacts , and just about anything else you have on your computer alone. That's just the beginning of it. Not only can they take things from your computer, they can review your history on the Internet and log on to your email accounts, myspace, chat lines, your personal information you have stored on your computer and a lot more. All it takes is one person to hack into your computer and they could do a lot of damage. you could end up having a stocker or pervert or for all we know, a serial killer.
There are ways to protect yourself against these things though. There are software's that can help protect you and your personal things on your computer. Anti-viruses to keep your computer from crashing, fire-walls to keep people from logging on to your Internet through Wi-Fi. Then there are simple things like if you have LimeWire or FrostWire it asks you if you want to share, this means sharing your pictures music videos, etc. with other people who can download it. So you should make sure you say no sharing because that also can create a kind of loop hole for them to find ways to hack into your computer and steal just about anything they want. So be careful people!
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