Monday, February 7, 2011

Ch 3 Vocab

Page Layout- The process of arranging text, images, and other elements on the page.

Header- Located at the top of the page usually, can contain logos, images, or text that identifies the Web site.

Footer- Provides hyperlinks for contact info and navigational controls.

Standard Mode- A table is presented as a grid of rows and columns.

Layout Mode-Can draw, resize, and moves boxes on the page while Dreamweaver still uses tables for the underlying structure.

Cell Padding- The amount of space between the edge of a cell and its contents.
Cell Spacing- The amount of space between cells.

Pixels- Remain the same size regardless of the window and monitor size.

No Wrap- When enabled and text will not fit within the cell, the cell and table will expand to accommodate the text.

Hexadecimal Number- The Hexadecimal value for the bg color.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dreamweaver Ch 2

Home page
Definition: Similar to a table of contents or an index in a book. Generally contains links to all the other pages within the Web sites.
It is the first thing your viewers will see when they enter your site.

Root directory
Definition: The main directory of a disk.

Assets panel
Definition: Displays the assets for the site.

Invisible Element Marker
Definition: Tool that is used to hide objects.

Property Inspector
Definition: Displays settings for the selected objects properties and attributes.

Definition: To cut or size a picture differently to use it as its own picture.

Definition: Process of compressing and setting display options for Web graphics.
Help to make your graphics on your web site look better.

Absolute Link
Definition: A link that goes directly to a specific topic or subject.

External Link
Definition: Links that lead you to another Website.

Relative Link
Definition: a link to a local source.

Named Anchor-
Definition: A name or signature.
Makes sure the creator gets the credit he or she deserves.

Design View-
Definition: The look of the page.

Code View-
Definition: seeing the codes that make up the page

Split View-
Definition: Allows you to split the page into two so you can view two things at once.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dreamweaver CH 1


Screen resolution- A number of pixels in the width and height of your screen (width x height)

Property inspector- Displays settings for the selected object's properties or attributes.

Insert Bar- Allows quick access for frequently used commands.

Title Bar- Disaplays the application name and includes [Untitled-1 (XHTML)]

Panel Groups- Are sets of related panels docked together below one heading.

Status Bar-
Menu Bar
Line break
Color picker
Eye dropper
Web page title

Monday, January 3, 2011


My personal goal for this semester is to get my driving stuff finished. I am 16 and would be legally able to drive but i have been avoiding my permit test. So this semester my goal is this: I will study for my test, i will get my permit, i will continue working at Lombardo's to earn money to fix my car and i will get my license. My family has a lot of burdens on their shoulders and if i did this it would help not only them but me. I am determined to get all of my vehicle problems solved, that is my goal.
My school goal is to get at least a 3.0 and to not have as many absences and tardies. With how far i live everyday is a constant struggle trying to get to school and because of this i get into some trouble with the school now and again. All of my tardies make me look bad and I'm tired of having to deal with it. So this semester i will wake up an hour earlier if i must but i will continue to make my reputation as a student look better. i have already been trying to accomplish this since 9th grade first semesters mess up on my part. So that is my school goal.
My info tech goal for this semester is to keep up with the rest of the class. To be honest i don't even want to be in this class. ii had thought that it would be more about taking computers apart and putting them back together. You know learn about the parts and stuff, then i come to find out its all about web design. I am absolutely slow as can be when it comes to typing and looking things up on the Internet so i have trouble keeping up. This has effected may grade drastically. So my goal in my info tech class for this semester is to keep up and not give up.